Octordle Today: Daily #340 Hints And Answers For 30th December, 2022

(CTN NEWS) – You can find the answers to Octordle Today words #340 here, released on December 30, 2022, along with some hints.
Octordle requires players to guess eight five-letter words simultaneously while only having thirteen guesses! Wordle is similar in that there are no clues to assist you in guessing the words.
But once you have guessed a word, the tiles change color.
Colors indicate whether you correctly guessed the letters and their order. While there is no right or wrong way to play the game, we recommend trying to guess words that use most of the alphabet in as few guesses as possible.
It will help you identify which letters appear in each word so you can solve them quickly and efficiently. Make sure you keep in mind that some words may contain repeated letters.

Octordle – How to Play
Octordle Today #340 Words Hints (December 30, 2022)
Here are all the hints and clues you need to help you figure out Octordle Today’s answers for game #340.
Hint 1: There is a Y in words 3, 5 and 7.
Hint 2: There is a K in words 1 and 2.
Hint 3: There is a B in word 6 only.
Hint 4: There is a C in words 2 and 8.
Hint 5: There are no repeated letters in any words today.
Hint 6: There is a double letter in words 4 and 5.
Hint 7: Here are the starting letters of each word:
- Word 1: D
- Word 2: S
- Word 3: F
- Word 4: M
- Word 5: S
- Word 6: I
- Word 7: N
- Word 8: C
Hint 8: Here is a little description or clue for all of the words:
- Word 1: take (a liquid) into the mouth and swallow.
- Word 2: move or go furtively or stealthily.
- Word 3: an entrance hall or other open area in a building used by the public, especially a hotel or theatre.
- Word 4: a large deer with palmate antlers and a growth of skin hanging from the neck, native to northern Eurasia and North America.
- Word 5: damage the purity or integrity of.
- Word 6: inspire or permeate with (a feeling or quality).
- Word 7: characterized by great enthusiasm for and knowledge about a particular subject, especially one of specialist or niche interest.
- Word 8: the front surface of a person’s or animal’s body between the neck and the stomach.
Octordle Today #340 Answer: What Is It Today?
If you don’t like the previous Octordle answers and you need to see the answers, we have you covered. Sometimes you have to do whatever it takes to keep the streak alive. Here, there are no judgments.
Don’t scroll further if you want to give the Octordle answer today a fair shot without spoiling it.
Here are the answers to Octordle Today #340 for December 30th, 2022:
- Word 1: DRINK
- Word 2: SNUCK
- Word 3: FOYER
- Word 4: MOOSE
- Word 5: SULLY
- Word 6: IMBUE
- Word 7: NERDY
- Word 8: CHEST
Is it easy to figure out today’s answers, or are you scratching your head while guessing? Come back tomorrow for more Octordle clues and answers.

Octordle Today: Daily #646 Hints And Answers For 1st November, 2023

(CTN NEWS) – You can find the answers to Octordle Today words #646 here, released on 1st November 2023, along with some hints.
Octordle requires players to guess eight five-letter words simultaneously while only having thirteen guesses! Wordle is similar in that there are no clues to assist you in guessing the words.
But once you have guessed a word, the tiles change color.
Colors indicate whether you correctly guessed the letters and their order. While there is no right or wrong way to play the game, we recommend trying to guess words that use most of the alphabet in as few guesses as possible.
It will help you identify which letters appear in each word so you can solve them quickly and efficiently. Make sure you keep in mind that some words may contain repeated letters.

Octordle – How to Play
Octordle Today #646 Words Hints (1st November, 2023)
Hint 1: There is an M in word 3 only.
Hint 2: There is a K in word 3 only.
Hint 3: There is a Y in words 2 and 6.
Hint 4: There is a Z in word 8 only.
Hint 5: There are no repeated letters in any words today.
Hint 6: There is a double letter in words 2 and 5.
Hint 7: Here are the starting letters of each word:
- Word 1: W
- Word 2: F
- Word 3: S
- Word 4: G
- Word 5: O
- Word 6: D
- Word 7: L
- Word 8: H
Hint 8: Here is a little description or clue for all of the words:
- Word 1: a long, high-pitched complaining cry.
- Word 2: fastidious about one’s needs or requirements; hard to please.
- Word 3: a visible suspension of carbon or other particles in air, typically one emitted from a burning substance.
- Word 4: wheat or any other cultivated cereal used as food.
- Word 5: different to what is usual or expected; strange.
- Word 6: gloomy and drab.
- Word 7: a machine for shaping wood, metal, or other material by means of a rotating drive which turns the piece being worked on against changeable cutting tools.
- Word 8: a reddish-brown or greenish-brown colour, especially of a person’s eyes.
Octordle Today #646 Answer: What Is It Today?
If you don’t like the previous Octordle answers and you need to see the answers, we have you covered. Sometimes you have to do whatever it takes to keep the streak alive. Here, there are no judgments.
Don’t scroll further if you want to give the Octordle answer today a fair shot without spoiling it.
Here are the answers to Octordle Today #646 for 1st November 2023:
- Word 1: WHINE
- Word 2: FUSSY
- Word 3: SMOKE
- Word 4: GRAIN
- Word 5: ODDER
- Word 6: DINGY
- Word 7: LATHE
- Word 8: HAZEL
Is figuring out today’s answers easy, or are you scratching your head while guessing? Come back tomorrow for more Octordle clues and answers.
Octordle Today: Daily #644 Hints And Answers For 30th October, 2023

(CTN NEWS) – You can find the answers to Octordle Today words #644 here, released on 30th October 2023, along with some hints.
Octordle requires players to guess eight five-letter words simultaneously while only having thirteen guesses! Wordle is similar in that there are no clues to assist you in guessing the words.
But once you have guessed a word, the tiles change color.
Colors indicate whether you correctly guessed the letters and their order. While there is no right or wrong way to play the game, we recommend trying to guess words that use most of the alphabet in as few guesses as possible.
It will help you identify which letters appear in each word so you can solve them quickly and efficiently. Make sure you keep in mind that some words may contain repeated letters.

Octordle – How to Play
Octordle Today #644 Words Hints (30th October, 2023)
Hint 1: There is a Z in word 4 only.
Hint 2: There is a Y in word 6 only.
Hint 3: There is a W in word 6 only.
Hint 4: There is a H in word 1 only.
Hint 5: There is a repeated letter in words 5 and 6.
Hint 6: There are no double letters in any words today.
Hint 7: Here are the starting letters of each word:
- Word 1: R
- Word 2: L
- Word 3: P
- Word 4: P
- Word 5: O
- Word 6: D
- Word 7: P
- Word 8: S
Hint 8: Here is a little description or clue for all of the words:
- Word 1: a large farm, especially in North America or Australia, where cattle or other animals are bred.
- Word 2: be in or move into a sloping position.
- Word 3: relating to, used for, or prescribing the punishment of offenders under the legal system.
- Word 4: a thing given as a reward to the winner of a competition or in recognition of an outstanding achievement.
- Word 5: be superior to in action or performance.
- Word 6: (of a person or their clothes) unfashionable and unstylish in appearance (typically used of a woman).
- Word 7: light in colour or shade; containing little colour or pigment.
- Word 8: the external form, contours, or outline of someone or something.
Octordle Today #644 Answer: What Is It Today?
If you don’t like the previous Octordle answers and you need to see the answers, we have you covered. Sometimes you have to do whatever it takes to keep the streak alive. Here, there are no judgments.
Don’t scroll further if you want to give the Octordle answer today a fair shot without spoiling it.
Here are the answers to Octordle Today #644 for 30th October 2023:
- Word 1: RANCH
- Word 2: LEANT
- Word 3: PENAL
- Word 4: PRIZE
- Word 5: OUTDO
- Word 6: DOWDY
- Word 7: PALER
- Word 8: SHAPE
Is figuring out today’s answers easy, or are you scratching your head while guessing? Come back tomorrow for more Octordle clues and answers.
Octordle Today: Daily #643 Hints And Answers For 29th October, 2023

(CTN NEWS) – You can find the answers to Octordle Today words #643 here, released on 29th October 2023, along with some hints.
Octordle requires players to guess eight five-letter words simultaneously while only having thirteen guesses! Wordle is similar in that there are no clues to assist you in guessing the words.
But once you have guessed a word, the tiles change color.
Colors indicate whether you correctly guessed the letters and their order. While there is no right or wrong way to play the game, we recommend trying to guess words that use most of the alphabet in as few guesses as possible.
It will help you identify which letters appear in each word so you can solve them quickly and efficiently. Make sure you keep in mind that some words may contain repeated letters.

Octordle – How to Play
Octordle Today #643 Words Hints (29th October, 2023)
Hint 1: There is a V in word 1 only.
Hint 2: There is a Y in word 1 only.
Hint 3: There is a B in word 7 only.
Hint 4: There is a K in word 5 only.
Hint 5: There are no repeated letters in any words today.
Hint 6: There is a double letter in word 4 only.
Hint 7: Here are the starting letters of each word:
- Word 1: P
- Word 2: T
- Word 3: R
- Word 4: S
- Word 5: S
- Word 6: G
- Word 7: L
- Word 8: S
Hint 8: Here is a little description or clue for all of the words:
- Word 1: hidden; secret.
- Word 2: diminish or reduce in thickness towards one end.
- Word 3: morally good, justified, or acceptable.
- Word 4: draw up air audibly through the nose to detect a smell, to stop it running, or to express contempt.
- Word 5: expend or use less time, money, or material on something than is necessary in an attempt to economize.
- Word 6: an external form, appearance, or manner of presentation, typically concealing the true nature of something.
- Word 7: a small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it.
- Word 8: protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost.
Octordle Today #643 Answer: What Is It Today?
If you don’t like the previous Octordle answers and you need to see the answers, we have you covered. Sometimes you have to do whatever it takes to keep the streak alive. Here, there are no judgments.
Don’t scroll further if you want to give the Octordle answer today a fair shot without spoiling it.
Here are the answers to Octordle Today #643 for 29th October 2023:
- Word 1: PRIVY
- Word 2: TAPER
- Word 3: RIGHT
- Word 4: SNIFF
- Word 5: SKIMP
- Word 6: GUISE
- Word 7: LABEL
- Word 8: SAFER
Is figuring out today’s answers easy, or are you scratching your head while guessing? Come back tomorrow for more Octordle clues and answers.
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