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As US Looks to Seize Russia’s Assets China Dumps US Treasury Bonds



Russia's Assets

The US Senate approved a package of proposals on Tuesday that would send military help to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, collect Russia’s frozen assets and transfer them to Kiev, and impose new sanctions on China.

When Moscow invaded Ukraine, the United States and its allies swiftly froze $300 billion in Russian foreign interests. As the battle continues, that money, the majority of which is in European Union countries, remains untapped. However, around $5 billion of it is located in the United States.

Moscow cannot access the frozen assets, but they remain Russian property. While governments can often freeze property without issue, converting that property into forfeited assets that can be auctioned for the benefit of Ukraine necessitates an additional layer of judicial procedure, including a legal foundation and court judgment.

For more than a year, officials from many nations have discussed the legality of seizing the money from 카지노총판 and transferring it to Ukraine.

The new US law compels the president and Treasury Department to begin finding Russian assets in the US within 90 days and report back to Congress within 180 days.

A month after that, the president will be able to “seize, confiscate, transfer, or vest” any Russian state sovereign assets, including any stake, in US jurisdictions.

US, Europe plan to seize Russia's $300 billion in assets

G-7 Eye Russian Assets: Photo Reuters

US to Consult G7 Nations

Biden is granted discretion over how the money is used for the benefit of Ukraine, but he must consult with other G7 members before acting.

According to the legislation, “any effort by the United States to confiscate and repurpose Russian sovereign assets” must be carried out in collaboration with international allies such as the G7, the 27-member European Union, and other nations.

Policymakers, including Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, have stated that the United States is unlikely to move without the support of its G7 allies.

Following the bill’s passing, Yellen stated, “Congress took an important step in that effort with the passage of the REPO Act, and I will continue intensive discussions with our G7 partners in the weeks ahead on a collective path forward,”

The European Union has already started to set away windfall income from frozen Russian central bank assets. The bloc calculates that the interest on the money may generate almost 3 billion euros ($3.3 billion) every year.

“The Russians won’t be happy. “The amount of money, 3 billion per year, is not extraordinary, but it is not insignificant,” EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell told reporters in March.

US, Europe plan to seize Russia's $300 billion in assets

US, Europe plan to seize Russia’s $300 billion in assets: Image Reuters

Concern Over Stealing Russia’s assets

However, some European leaders have expressed reservations about proceeding with a proposal to formally take Russia’s assets in Europe.

At a Council on Foreign Relations event earlier this month, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde stated that freezing Russian assets “is something that needs to be looked at very carefully” and may “start breaking the international legal order.”

Critics of the REPO Act argue that weaponizing global finance against Russia risks undermining the US dollar’s position as the world’s dominant currency.

To seize Russia’s assets may cause nations like as China, the largest holder of US Treasuries, to conclude that it is not safe to preserve their reserves in US dollars.

The conservative Heritage Foundation has condemned Russia’s asset seizure for damaging the dollar-denominated global finance system, claiming that “it would expose an already fragile economy to unintended consequences and risks for which the United States is unprepared.”

Russian authorities have expressed concern that the new law may destabilize the global banking system.

China Dumping US Treasury Bonds for Gold

China remained the second largest holder of US government debt: CTN Image

China Dumping US Treasury Bonds for Gold

Meanwhile, as the Chinese collect more gold, they are selling off US Treasury bonds. This raises a crucial question: who will continue to fund the Biden administration’s enormous borrowing spree?

According to the most recent Federal Reserve figures, China sold an additional $22.7 billion in US Treasuries during February. That reduced its total holdings to $775 billion. China remains the second-largest foreign holder of US debt, but if current trends continue, the United Kingdom could soon overtake China and move into second place.

Japan is the largest foreign creditor to the United States, holding $1.17 trillion in Treasuries. The United Kingdom ranks third, with $700.8 billion in US Treasuries.

China has been divesting from US debt for several years. The country’s Treasury holdings have dropped to their current level, from over $1.1 trillion in 2021. Chinese investment in US debt fell to a 14-year low in October.

Finance professor Zhao Xijun of China’s Renmin University told the South China Morning Post that the selloff of US Treasury bonds would continue. China is deliberately reducing its exposure to the currency. Chinese leaders have witnessed how the United States utilizes the dollar as a foreign policy tool.

The professor stated that the Chinese are not unintelligent. Beijing understands that the US might apply the same pressure on them in terms of US assets.

China Is Dumping U.S. Treasuries and Buying Gold

China Is Dumping U.S. Treasuries and Buying Gold: CTN Image

China Building Up Gold Reserves

So, what should you do if you recognize that something leaves you vulnerable? You reduce the vulnerability. In other words, if you are concerned that the US would take the “dollar rug” out from under you, why not exit the dollar system first? This appears to be Beijing’s strategy, he explained.

China is accumulating gold, a reserve asset with no counter risk. The People’s Bank of China has added gold to its holdings for 16 consecutive months, totaling more than 300 tons since it commenced reporting gold acquisitions in October 2022.

And China’s gold reserves may be substantially more than its public reports. Many observers believe China stores several thousand tons of gold “off the books” in a separate agency known as the State Administration for Foreign Exchange (SAFE).

China’s Treasury dump highlights a major dilemma for the US Treasury.

Professor Zhao claims that the Biden administration is running large deficits month after month. If China and other countries reject US debt, who will support this borrowing spree?

Foreign investors account for roughly one-third of the market for US Treasuries. One may argue that there is still a lot of capacity in the domestic market. The difficulty is that the largest domestic bondholder in the United States has also left the market.

US Central banks face credibility crisis

Central banks face credibility crisis: Getty Image

Central Bank Creating Artificial Demand

In reality, no institution owns more US bonds than the US Fed. As of the end of 2022, the Fed possessed 35% of all domestically held Treasuries. Fed Treasury holdings reached more than $6 trillion.

In general, the Fed maintains a strong grip on the bond market. By purchasing and holding US bonds, the central bank creates artificial demand, driving prices higher than they would otherwise be and maintaining yields low.

This enables the US government to borrow more at lower interest rates than it could otherwise.

The difficulty is that the Fed is currently out of the market. The central bank is allowing Treasuries to roll off its balance sheet as part of a quantitative tightening program aimed at lowering inflation.

So, if the largest participant in the domestic Treasury market and the second-largest player in the foreign Treasury market are selling bonds, who will absorb them all, along with the additional debt issued by the US Treasury each month?

This is one of the reasons why Treasury yields continue to rise, despite expectations of a Federal Reserve rate drop. And that’s a major concern, given that the US government has already spent $522.02 billion on interest payments halfway through fiscal 2024.

That is a 35.9 percent increase from the same period in fiscal 2023. The only group with more spending was Social Security.

It appears that the Fed will have to return to the Treasury market with another round of quantitative easing to monetize some of the federal government’s debt. The difficulty is that this is inflationary.

This means that the US taxpayer will eventually have to pay for it all through an ever-increasing inflation tax.


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Based on interest from The Range, Homebase’s owner plans to initiate a sale.





(CTN News) – Homebase’s proprietor is currently in discussions with one of the most prominent general goods chains in the United Kingdom regarding the possibility of selling the do-it-yourself retailer.

These discussions are occurring in anticipation of the commencement of a more comprehensive auction of the company that it salvaged six years ago.

The Range, which has discreetly become one of the most successful retail businesses in the country, has extended an offer to Hilco Capital, the company that acquired Homebase in 2018.

The company was experiencing financial difficulties at the time of acquisition. The offer is being discussed as a potential acquisition. This information was reported by Sky News. Sky News acquired this information.

The city sources asserted that the negotiations were not guaranteed to result in a transaction; however, analysts predicted that The Range would likely demand the majority of Homebase’s approximately 140 stores if an agreement were reached. The headquarters of Homebase are located in the United Kingdom.

It is anticipated that a formal selling procedure, which will involve other potential suitors, will commence in the near future, according to an individual who is knowledgeable about the matter. The individual who disclosed this information provided it.

Homebase was controlled by Wesfarmers for a period of time.

An Australian company, the company experienced losses that totaled hundreds of millions of British pounds. Homebase was acquired by Hilco subsequent to the conclusion of this period.

B&M European Value Retail, a discount retailer that is listed on the London stock exchange, is one of the other retailers that have been considered as potential proposals for Homebase in the past. Another company that has been mentioned is Homebase.

The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) chain, which has been nomadic, has been acquired by Home Retail Group, a joint venture between Argos and Home Retail Group. J. Sainsbury managed the chain at various points in time, and it was subsequently acquired by Home Retail Group.

Hilco, a corporation that has previously owned retail brands such as HMV and Cath Kidston, acquired control of the business as a consequence of Wesfarmers’ entry into the United Kingdom. This event was a complete and absolute disaster. Hilco succeeded in acquiring authority of the organization.

Homebase underwent a business voluntary arrangement in 2018, which resulted in the closure of a significant number of stores, the renegotiation of rent agreements, and the loss of approximately 1500 employment. Concurrently, each of these incidents transpired.

Advertisements and promotional materials

The outbreak and the crises that accompanied it injured the company’s fortunes in terms of the cost of living, despite the fact that the turnaround investor was successful in stabilizing the company.

The initial increase in sales that transpired subsequent to the COVID-19 pandemic was attributable to the fact that consumers were prioritizing home renovation initiatives. Conversely, the market conditions ultimately manifested with increased volatility.

Homebase lost forty million pounds in 2022, according to Companies House.

Conversely, there is a general agreement that the performance of the previous year was significantly better.

Homebase has a presence in Ireland in addition to its operations in the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, it is conceivable that the two divisions could be sold separately at a later date.

Chris Dawson, one of the most successful businesspeople in the world, is the owner and operator of CDS Superstores, which incorporates The Range as a subsidiary. The Range is situated in Devon.

The business paid a sum of seven million pounds to acquire the brand and intellectual property assets of Wilko, which had been placed under administration.

Mr. Dawson has since established numerous Wilko establishments in a variety of locations throughout the region.

The Range, a retailer with over 200 retail locations in the United Kingdom, offers a diverse selection of products, such as homewares, furnishings, and items for do-it-yourself projects.

Mr. Dawson established its inaugural store in Plymouth in 1989.

Due to the distinctive number plate that is prominently displayed on his Rolls-Royce Wraith, he is frequently referred to as “the Del Boy billionaire.” He has become one of the most successful retail business proprietors in the United Kingdom as a result of his unwavering determination and hard work.

Despite an attempt to obtain a statement from Hilco and Homebase, The Range has been unable to be contacted for any further information.



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The National Lottery App is down. Users say they have Login Problems.




National Lottery

(CTN News) – A substantial number of individuals from all over the United Kingdom have reported issues with the National Lottery’s mobile app and website. A sizeable number of individuals have brought these issues to the attention of the authorities.

It is clear that a significant number of individuals have reported experiencing difficulties accessing the application, as evidenced by the fact that over one thousand five hundred complaints were registered at roughly 6:30 this morning.

There was a second surge in the amount of complaints that were received at approximately eleven o’clock last night. Downdetector UK received approximately two thousand reports of outages during this time period.

For the second time in a row, National Lottery complaints were up.

It was as a result of an increase in the percentage of complaints that were received that this phenomenon came about. The application is responsible for National Lottery around 53 percent of the disturbances that have been observed, as indicated by the conclusions of the inquiry.

On the other hand, the website and the login were connected to respectively 41% and 6% of the disruptions that occurred.

Glasgow, Manchester, and London were selected as the regions that were experiencing the most major challenges. This was the case despite the fact that a number of problems were recorded in each and every location in the United Kingdom.

The National Lottery’s mobile application and website have been the subject of a number of complaints from users who have said that they have been unable to successfully log in to either of these platforms.

The National Lottery attracted many people to X.

It was once known as Twitter, where they broadcast complaints and expressed their displeasure with the apparent outage. Their actions were intended to convey their dissatisfaction with the current situation. The following comment was provided by a certain individual:

“Come on, @TNLUK, your app and website have been down since last night at nine o’clock.” These issues have been ongoing for a considerable period of time. Even if one considers how long it has been since the dispute began, it is absurd that it has not been resolved.

I was wondering if anyone has been able to access the website of the national lottery or use the app since the clock struck nine o’clock yesterday evening.

Should that be the case, to what extent has this been feasible? The inquiry was initially posed by a different individual than the one who was being asked.

Would it be more likely for the problem to be resolved in time for today’s draw, or will it take more time to be resolved? What is the likelihood of each of the following occurring? Please select one of the following two options. “@TNLUK”

Apparently, the National Lottery app is exhibiting peculiar behavior of its own accord, as stated by a third user who reported the matter.

There is a significant probability that the anarchy that has been brought about by the current state of information technology is the party responsible for this. This is a possibility that cannot be discounted.

According to the official National Lottery account.

The following comment was provided in response to someone who inquired about the matter: “Hello. It has come to our attention that a sizeable number of players are encountering challenges while attempting to access both our website and our mobile application.

It was brought to our attention by a member of our staff that this information is available. At this very moment, the members of our team are conducting an inquiry into the matter in order to ascertain what has transpired. We would like to take this opportunity to apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.

The fact that they are conducting an investigation into the matter is something that you should be aware of.



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Amazon Prime Day Bargains are Approaching. Is it Advisable to Capitalize on Them?





(CTN News) – Since Amazon introduced Prime Day in 2015, July sales have been enormous for businesses. Even with fantastic prices, personal finance experts advise against deceptive advertising and buying unnecessary items.

In recent weeks, people have been growing more enthusiastic about the 10th Prime Day event, which will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday for Prime members who pay $14.99 a month or $139 a year for free shipping and other benefits.

Other stores have capitalized on Prime Day with offers. This summer, Walmart, Target, Kohl’s, TikTok Shop, and Temu started sales before Amazon.

This was done to steal from Amazon deal-seekers.

There will be “best summer deals” at Macy’s from Tuesday to August 8. Why do businesses sell so much during the summer?

July offers aid August back-to-school buying, the second busiest season after the holidays. Electronics, home products, and seasonal items like bikinis and summer dresses cost more when costs are low.

Sales could help businesses battle “a summer lull in retail spending” because people are spending money on holidays and eating out, according to Coresight Research’s head of global research, John Mercer.

Mercer says “it drives a bit of excitement in that mid-year period,” when companies may be struggling to sell. He claimed that businesses utilized sales to increase spending during high interest rates and inflation.

Amazon doesn’t disclose Prime Day earnings, but it has proof. Last year’s “single largest sales day” sold almost 375 million products.

Amazon Prime Day sales might reach $12.5 billion worldwide in 2023, according to Emarketer. The company expects 7% sales growth this year.

What’s the pricing offer?

Change who you ask. It is common for store advertisements to use hyperbole in order to attract customers. Earlier this month, Wirecutter wrote that most of Amazon’s early discounts this year are disappointing.

Santa Clara University management professor and Amazon book author Kirthi Kalyanam says Prime Day offers are good. Halyanam said Amandon promoted small businesses on its website to acquire Apple discounts and cut their costs. People are used to Temu and Shein’s low prices, so Prime Day deals may not matter.

Kalyanam stated that “many of the deals may not be as competitive” as Temu and Shien’s.

Other stores may immediately try to match Amazon’s prices, he added. He said Best Buy dropped two goods when Amazon revealed early deals last week.

Numerator questioned 5,000 customers after Prime Day last year and found 40% discounts on some items. Survey responders discovered 60% or greater discounts on 25% of items.

Some retail workers stated Prime offers were smaller than they appeared.

Is there a way to budget and locate Amazon deals?

Personal finance gurus advise caution before buying if you’re on a budget. LendingClub customer support manager Mark Elliot advises, “Avoid the false sense of urgency of manufactured holidays.” “It’s simply not true by definition to say that the more you spend, the more you save.”

Dan Egan, VP of Betterment, a financial advice and investing business, advises users to list their wants beforehand to make good selections. He advises against late-night or bored shopping.

“Having a list makes it less likely that you’ll be sidetracked by unnecessary items,” he said. I recommend removing shop apps from your phone for a week or two if the list is practically empty. You’ll get several alerts otherwise.

He warned credit card holders that summer sales savings may be wasted on interest payments. “If a deal requires interest, it’s not a deal,” stated.

According to Consumer Federation of America head of consumer protection Erin Witte, summer offers are best with free or short-term memberships. After a while, these programs charge customers’ credit cards.

To cancel your membership, Witte advised setting a reminder.Think about it now. Remember that these companies made signing up for this product easy but canceling difficult.

Install the Amazon app, sign up for invitation-only offers, and wait in line for limited-time, sold-out deals.

Price comparisons matter.

Prime members who pay for Prime Day discounts may buy more. Before buying, compare costs on many websites.

Walmart’s price event this month was open to everyone, unlike Prime Day. Allowing Walmart+ users to sign up early improved the deal.

Target Circle, a new membership program, was promoted over the weeklong event to boost sales and foot traffic. However, only Target Circle members might get deals.

TikTok Shop’s summer sale was available to anyone. Celebrations continue till July 9.

Source: APN


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