Throughout the decades, poker has remained a timeless game of strategy and skill, captivating audiences on the silver screen. These pivotal poker scenes, ranging from intense...
(CTN News) – On Sunday, the former cast members of Suits reunited at the Golden Globe Awards to celebrate their achievements. As part of their attendance...
(CTN News) – Despite the fact that silent police were called to the scene of an incident involving Congresswoman Lauren Boebert and her ex-husband, Jayson Boebert,...
(CTN News) – The Dawntrail trailer, which was shown during the keynote of the Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival 2024 Tokyo, depicts a female Horthgar in...
(CTN News) – Wonka, Timothée Chalamet’s musical, and Night Swim, the new horror flick, are keeping the box office afloat after the holidays. There is no...
(CTN News) – Sally Morgan went on to explain that Taylor Swift and Travis have been discussing their future plans extensively and have expressed a strong...
(CTN News) – The release of a horror movie Night Swim in the first week of the year usually doesn’t come with high expectations, especially when...
(CTN News) – Katt Williams’ recent appearance on Shannon Sharpe’s “Club Shay Shay” podcast has gained widespread attention due to several noteworthy statements and revelations made...
(CTN News) – Amid the recent controversy surrounding Claudine Gay’s resignation from Harvard University, Neri Oxman, who is married to Bill Ackman, has also faced accusations...
(CTN News) – In the interview, Kelly Clarkson opened up about her current relationship status and her decision to not pursue marriage again. Despite her busy...