How to pronounce OUGH There are a few different ways to pronounce ‘ough’ in English words. Here are some rules you need to know. ‘Ough’...
When the word ‘house’ is used as a verb, it is pronounced ‘howz’. “The workers were housed (howzed) in tents.” “They converted the old cinema so...
Horsing Around Racing terms have become part of the English language. So why not get racing with these common phrases? The favorite of a race or...
Accept – Except – Expect What’s the difference between ‘accept’, ‘except’ and ‘expect’? To ‘accept’ something can mean to take or receive it. “I...
. Do you know the difference between comparative and superlative adjectives? We use comparative adjectives when we are comparing two things or people. Superlative adjectives are...
. How would you describe your home? What is the difference between ‘home’ and ‘house’? The word ‘home’ is not used to talk about a building....
. Blow Up and Blow Out? ‘Blow up’ the balloon before you ‘blow out’ the candle – do you know what these phrasal verbs with ‘blow’...